Kara Güt

SPACES, Cleveland, OH
April - June 2022

Hydra is a video installation that uses the concept of the mythological, multi-headed hydra as a visual metaphor for the increasing demand of a type of modularity required by current technologies. The installation imagines full-body Virtual Reality tracking as the beginnings of the hydra’s contemporary equivalent, and includes a faux-instructional video on “how to go full body” and a recording of a hydra-like performance by an avatar in Second Life.
Through the use and appropriation of VRChat models, augmented game footage and appropriated imagery, Hydra explores the hyper-specialization of identity through infinite iterations of the self that now exist for inhabitance online.

How to go Full Body (video), 2022

Self Portrait as the Final Boss(screen recording of performance), 2022

looped excerpt from Defense Formation AU (2019)